Definition : the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, especially to do something creative. • a sudden brilliant, creative, or timely idea.
I have been taking some time over the past few weeks to really think about what inspires me. A friend of mine actually brought up the topic, and at the time I had a really hard time answering the question. Not because I couldn't think of what inspires me, more so because I felt that I was inspired by soo many small occurrences in my daily life. At first, I thought of how powerful the word inspiration really is. It almost felt like I should have some Divine answer of where my inspiration comes from. But in truth, I find most of my inspiration comes from many of the instances that most of us take for granted.
I find that when I am taking the time to be mindful, it allows me to pay more attention to what is actually going on in this wonderful life we all live. For me, sometimes it is as simple as sitting under my maple tree in the mornings, watching the birds and squirrels go about their routine on a beautiful fall day. Sometimes I just sit under the tree in the mornings, watching leaves fall from the tree... knowing that they are participating in a circle of life, and that they will in turn make compost to help the tree grow strong and continue the cycle. The maple tree doesn't question whether to let its leaves fall or not, nor does it cling to them, not wanting to be bare and exposed. It just lives in harmony and flows with the cycle, growing stronger each year. Most of the time we are too busy to notice how intelligent and beautiful Mother Nature is. In this metaphor, I find the inspiration to go with the flow of life. There are always going to be ups and downs, and there will be beautiful summers in our lives and there will be times when each of us will feel bare and exposed. But fighting and clinging to an idea of how we expect a situation to pan out, won't stop us from losing our leaves... it may just hinder us from growing stronger by not going with the flow and learning the lesson that life is offering us.
I also have been finding inspiration from all the people that come in and out of my life. I believe that everyone that we meet on a daily basis, has something to teach us. Sometimes it is the customer, that is giving us a hard time and teaches us patience, or it could be a child that teaches us to play. I read a great book once that advised to say " Namaste" in a silent greeting when you are coming into contact with someone. Namaste is a common greeting in India that is interpreted to mean : "I honor the Spirit in you which is also in me." This means that we are acknowledging that we are equals, My Spirit and Your Spirit are the same. I personally find that by silently saying this greeting, it removes a lot of biased feelings or emotions you may have with someone and it allows for you to be mindful of how you interact and treat "Your Spirit". You would be surprised how often the energy of a situation can change when you say this greeting in Spirit to someone.
Along with some of the new people I meet everyday, one of my biggest forms of inspiration is the interest and support from my close friends and family. Natural Health, especially Reiki, is not well known in Western culture and this can make people quick to call it "phony", which can unfortunately be discouraging. I have lost some good friends since I have been on my path, but with that loss, I have grown and have made brilliant relationships since. I have made new friends, became reacquainted with some old ones and have grown nearer to some of my closest friends. I truly wish that one day, all of my damaged relationships with friends and family will mend.
I would like thank all of the amazing people in my life who help me practice Reiki and share all the wonderful things I have been learning. Your support keeps me inspired to keep living, learning and loving what I do.... and I guess you really could call that sort of inspiration Divine.
Inspiration is a beautiful thing. It helps me stay passionate and positive. I encourage everyone to look for where you find inspiration in your life and to share that inspiration with others. Whether it is in a song, a book, a photograph, a piece of art or some loving support, even the smallest acts can inspire someone to create a masterpiece in their own life.
Namaste Sarah, you write beautifully
ReplyDeleteThank you Karen!!! :)