The Happy Lotus
Blossoming the Mind, Body and Soul.
Friday, February 11, 2011
Animal Totems
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Be a Light Onto Yourself
I have been very fortunate not to experience death or illness in my immediate family. I have never known what those facing illness have gone through. You could say that life got VERY real all of a sudden over Christmas. My mother, who is the most amazing women I know, is in the process of being diagnosed with what could be a very life-threatening illness. I have never had to be so strong, as I have taken the role of her care-taker this past month. You never think that one day, you will have to be a mother to your own mother. But it has happened in my life.
If this happened 2 years ago, I would have broken down and been helpless to everyone in my family. I would have been a useless basketcase. I have to say, that everything I have done in the past 2 years in terms of Holistic Health and Meditation has prepared me to deal with this situation. It has given me the strength I need to be the rock that my family needs right now. I have never had a healthier state of mind than I do right now facing what could be a tragedy.
When we first found out that my mother was sick, I wanted to do everything in my power to help her heal. I offered every remedy, every treatment I could do for her... but my mother had no interest at the time. At first, I took it very hard because I wanted to heal her. I wanted to make it all go away for her. But after spending time in such a loving environment at school and through meditation, I came to realize that I cannot save her. The only life I have power over is my own. All I can do is be the best Sarah I can be and if that inspires others than that's a bonus.
"Be a light onto yourself" is the last words that Buddha spoke to his followers. It reminds me that we all need to shine a light onto ourselves to see our own amazing potential. You must know for yourself, the truth of yourself. You cannot realize it through another, not matter how great that other is. There is no other authority that can reveal your potential. If you live your life in this manner, you will be such a strong light that you will naturally inspire those around you.
That is what I have been practicing in my life. I can say that I have seen a huge change in my mother when I am around. I can't save her, but I can be such a light that it inspires her to find her own and begin the healing her own life.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Aromatic Christmas Ornaments
Friday, December 10, 2010
The Dr. Oz Show
I would like to share a link to a video clip from his website. It is an Alternative Health Series and it focuses on Ayurvedic Medicine. It is a short segment but it will help to give you an idea of what Ayurveda is about! I practice quite a few healing modalities from Ayurveda and mention it on here quite a bit. I have found that my health has improved immensely since I started including some of the Ayurvedic principles into my routine, and most of them are easy enough for everyone to enjoy. In this video series, there's information on digestive issues, Alzheimer's prevention, anti-aging and much much more!! So check it out and enjoy some helpful information from a culture that has been taking care of their minds, bodies and spirits for thousands of years!!
Dr. Oz Alternative Health Series : India
Friday, December 3, 2010
Breathe Your Way To Better Health
I want you to pay attention to the way you are breathing as you read this. Are you breathing through your mouth? Does your chest rise and fall as you breathe? We are intelligent enough to figure out that we need to breathe to live, but do you know the way you breathe can influence your health? It may seem silly to write about the importance of breathing but this automatic response is not only necessary for life, it is also used in holistic medicine to help us to connect the mind and body through awareness.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
All I Want For Christmas...
So this Christmas, make sure you tell all your loved ones how much they mean to you, and please keep in mind all of those less fortunate in our community this holiday season.... and when you have the opportunity to donate, please don't be a Scrooge!
Monday, November 22, 2010
Now Offering Indian Head Massage

Massage is one of the oldest forms of natural medicine known to man and has been practiced for over thousands of years. The art of Indian Head Massage originates from Ayurveda ( pronounced : A· yur·ve·da ), which is the ancient East Indian system of medicine. This Sanskrit word can be translated as either the "science of life " or "knowledge of life ". The Ayurveda approach to health is the balance of the body, mind and spirit and the promotion of a long and happy life.
In India, massage plays an essential role in family life. It is an integral part of the daily routine and is highly recommended for everyone throughout all stages of life. It was originally developed by women as a part of their daily grooming routine, as they would massage oils into their scalps to ensure its health and to keep their hair long and lustrous. Over time, massage techniques become more elaborate to include the arms, shoulders, upper back, neck, face and scalp. As well as relaxing the muscles, we also work on the Energy Lines and Acupressure Points on the upper body, which can help produce wonderful benefits.
Possible Benefits of an Indian Head Massage
1. General relaxation
2. Improved blood circulation increases oxygen supply to the brain and drains away accumulated toxins
3. Calms, revitalizes and uplifts the spirit
4. Can create a more balanced state of being
5. Relaxes tight and painful muscles, eases stiffness and breaks down knots in muscles
6. Increase joint mobility
7. Improved lymphatic drainage, which helps in the removal of waste products and toxins
8. Can give your hair a healthy lustrous shin and improved skin condition
9. Encourages deeper breathing and deep relaxation : very enjoyable and triggers the release of " feel good " chemicals called endorphins creating an almost euphoric sensation
10. Promotion of hair growth
11. Helps to dissipate mental tiredness, stress, depressions resulting in greater mental alertness, concentration and clearer thinking
Can also help relieve the following conditions : Eyestrain, Tension Headaches, Migraines, Earaches, Tinnitus, Jaw Ache, Sinus Congestion, Insomnia, Disturbed Sleep
Many of these benefits are noticeable after only ONE treatment!!
A typical treatment usually lasts from 30 to 45 minutes and the treatments are a very relaxing experience. They can be done in your home, or can be done in my treatment room, whichever you feel more comfortable with. A treatment is given in a comfortable chair in the seated position, so that I may have easy access to all of the areas I will cover. There is also no need to disrobe, the massage is done over top of the clothes as well. I find it is best to wear a comfortable t shirt, without a collar. The cost of a treatment is $30.00.
I will also be putting a short video together to demonstrate the massage so that my readers can have a better understanding of what to expect during a treatment. Please expect that in the near future.
Indian Head Massage is an amazing way to pamper yourself. I know so many women, that LOVE to have their head, face and hair played with and massaged. If you are one of those women, this is for you! It is also not limited to women only, many men love the Indian Head Massage experience and will enjoy all the same benefits it has to offer.
For more information or to book an appointment, please contact myself through email or by phone : or 905 380 6027
Monday, November 15, 2010
Mother Nature's Heartbeat
When we first arrived at the studio, we were greeted with many smiling and welcoming faces. The workshop itself was led by Bill Russ and his partner Jackie Labonte joined us later in the afternoon. You could tell instantly that Bill would be an amazing Teacher. His passion and joy emanated from his being. We were also introduced to two other amazing Teachers, Earl and Jacqi, who would be guiding us in our wood burning instruction.
The class opened up with Bill singing a Native song and playing his drum. His voice was amazing! As soon as he started I had goosebumps all over my body. I could hardly wait to begin to construct the drum that was echoing inside of all of us.
We all picked out or drum bases and began to sand and wood burn our designs into them. Much respect goes into making the drums. We were guided to put all of our positive thoughts and intentions into every aspect of making the drums. It is a very large ritual to construct a drum, as we are giving life and a voice back to the Spirit of the animals and trees that were taken so that we could make it. Besides the small amount of glue holding the base together, everything that our drums would be made from is organic and once living materials. It is very important to honour the Spirit of the drum and to treat it with respect.
Wood burning was my favourite part, and I believe it was Franny's as well. It was unbelievably relaxing. The whole classroom was dead silent as we all burned intricate designs into our base. The smoke that was created during the process is seen as medicine in Native culture. Just like smudging, the smoke cleansed and calmed all of us. After we were finished, we moved on to making our striker stick. This was a very easy process.
After lunch, we were all eager to move on to the next step - making the lacing for our drums. Little did we know that we would be cutting it out of the imperfect pieces of deer skin that still showed signs of how the deer was killed. I had to hold back my lunch as the Teacher plopped down a folded up piece of fowl smelling skin that had bullet holes in it. We were to smooth out the skin and squeeze out any remaining "juices", then to cut it into 5 arms length strips. Everything smelt like death. It was an awful, awful smell, but we knew we had to suck it up and put on a brave face.
Once our lacing was cut, it was time to lace the main piece onto the base. Walnut oil was used to stain the drum covering, making each piece as individual as the person making the drum. Lacing was pretty confusing as first, but with team work, Franny and I were able to get the hang of it. Once it was finished, it was a huge relief not to have to handle the wet, stinky skin any longer.
Our drums were beautiful, there was no doubt about it. After everyone had completed theirs, it was time to Feast our drums. In Native Culture, it is very important to provide a feast to the Spirit as a sign of respect. We all shared berries and dripped some of the juices onto the drums. I took it a little too far, and actually rubbed my berry onto the dead skin then ate it....right before I was told to squeeze it on instead. Needless to say, my drum and I got a little personal. Closing the Ceremony, Bill led us in a drumming and Native song. It was a wonderful way to finish off the day.
The drumming workshop was an amazing opportunity for us to meet like-minded people and to share in this Native American tradition. Since the beginning of time, drums have been used to call people together. They were and still are the pulse of a community - or of Mother Earth. It is a universal language of peace, diversity, languages, understanding, joy, ect.. I could go on forever! The sound is a peaceful aid to use in meditatation and to bring us closer to the Earth.
We were very fortunate to be apart of this. I will never forget it and I will cherish my beautiful drum forever. I am so happy I was able to share this experience with my friend, Franny. It is a day I will never forget.
Please take the time to visit and learn more about wood burning art.
To view all the photos taken, please visit :